Grant funds research to develop technology to enhance public art experiences

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 engineering Excellence Fund

李阳, assistant professor of electrical engineering at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, is the principal investigator on the federal grant.

来源:Pam Brobst

阿宾顿,爸爸. — A multidisciplinary team of professors from 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, 宾州州立大学公园, and the 新泽西理工学院 (NJIT) were awarded an $83,040 grant from the federal Institute of Museum and 图书馆 Services for the project “High-Resolution Optical Imaging Platform for Digitization of Paintings in Color and 3D.”

The researchers will develop standards and protocols for a new scanning platform that will enhance the public’s online viewing experiences of artwork as well as conservation efforts by museums. It will include creating a portable art-specific optical coherent tomography (OCT) scanner as well as a user-friendly software tool to display and analyze digital information collected by the scanner.

The project will enlist a target audience of undergraduate college students to assess their viewing and learning experiences with 3D digital art created with the scanner. The goal will be to increase public access to artworks by advancing OCT technology in art-related applications.

“This is a great infrastructure investment to ensure that museums and libraries have access to state-of-the-art optical technology to meet their mission in a digital age especially in a post-pandemic world where learning and working online will probably become even more relevant," 李阳, assistant professor of electrical engineering at 阿宾顿 and principal investigator on the grant, 说.

"We are very excited about this project and the opportunities it can potentially create,他接着说.

Yang noted that the dedicated system will fulfill a need for museums in the region since 阿宾顿 is strategically located along the Northeast Corridor, which is the home to many art institutions.

Joining Yang on the grant as co-principal investigators are 希瑟·麦克恩·布鲁恩, assistant teaching professor of art history at Penn State’s University Park campus, 刘轩, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at NJIT.

Earlier this year Yang was awarded a related seed grant from the Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, 对于标题为, "Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Optical Coherent Tomography Data for Art Conservation Applications." 

阿宾顿学生尼古拉斯·加曼, Yihang刘, and Honglin Wu were hired this semester with funds from the grants to work on the project.


希瑟·麦克恩·布鲁恩, assistant teaching professor of art at University Park, 刘轩, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the 新泽西理工学院, are co-principal investigators on the federal grant.


The roots of the project date back several years to when Yang conceived "Multi-Modality Optical Imaging Platform for Digitizing Paintings in Color and 3D," an interdisciplinary effort to build a prototype scanner based on 3D OCT, 哪个在生物医学领域使用.

A group of 阿宾顿 students under Yang’s tutelage built the scanner and delivered it to a lab at NJIT. He worked with art conservators from the Winterthur Museum and the University of Delaware on this iteration of the research.

“它捕捉到了超高分辨率, 3D surface profile and underlayer structure information of paintings in unprecedented detail,杨当时解释道.

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